So just breathe and think of what makes you happy. My kids and I aren't really winter people, I think the snow is pretty but out here it's too cold to play in it and my kids feel the same way. So when it finally got warm enough to play outside (Mid-March) they were more than ready. I was outside taking care and enjoying the animals and I heard them giggling. When I heard that it gave me a bit of hope and excitement for the weather and laughter to come.
So whike the weather was warm and there was still snow out we went sledding as a family with some of our good friends.
It was so much fun and the first time in 4 years that we had gone sledding. Kinda sad but next year we hope to get a lot more sledding in.
The next day we went to the circus with the Winterfeldts (the same family we went sledding with. The kids loved the elephants and thought it was helarious when the put a dog in a elephant costume and would try to wind him up like a toy.
Poor Aubrey was starting to get sick and didn't get the chance to enjoy it like we hoped.
So it is my goal to find the good in everything and try to remember that a clean house is nice and it would be wonderful to be Mom of the Year but if there is no laughter in your house and if you can't be grateful for the little things then the big things really don't matter.I am so excited for warm weather and for spending time with my family and just having fun!