Monday, March 2, 2009

Ride Um Cowgirl!

Well, for some time now we have had several horses but no saddles of our own to ride them. Pretty pointless... Until now, we finally have saddles that will fit all of our horses. Earlier this week I went up north to drop off Reggie, Randy's dog to meet his "Girlfriend" and in the process found and amazing deal on a saddle that will fit my horse. This weekend we went to an auction and found an actual miniature saddle and a saddle for Bryant that will fit his HUGE horses! Now this isn't a big deal for you but it is so exciting for us! So we got home Saturday and saddled up the horses the kids had a lot of fun riding in a saddle that actually fit them. Joey in the past hasn't cared too much for riding Jasper but this new saddle hold them much better. Bryant and I also had a blast, you should really see him up on Clyde! We are so excited for warmer weather and the riding that comes with it!

1 comment:

Brandee Dawn said...

That is so cool, I love when you find awesome deals! It sounds like you guys are really going to have a lot of fun once the weather gets warmer!